
only feed additives authorised in the EU may be used for feed purposes.

Legal Basis

The Additives Directive 70/524 EEC - repealed with the exception of Art. 16 - has been replaced by Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 on additives in animal nutrition (in force since 19.10.2004).

With the entry into force of this Regulation, the authorisation procedure for additives changed massively. All previously notified additives now require approval by the European Commission. The feed industry was given until 8 November 2010 to submit applications for approval to the European Commission. These are currently being re-evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

All additives notified and authorised throughout the EU have been included in a provisional register of feed additives. Notified additives for which no authorisation has been requested shall be deleted from the register and shall therefore no longer be considered as feed additives, while notified additives in the process of authorisation shall remain in the register.

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